What You Need To Know After An Accident

What You Need To Know After An Accident

We talk to people every day that have been injured as result of an accident.  I doesn’t matter if they were injured in an auto accident, work related injury or any other accident.  There are certain facts that we share with our clients to help their claims to run smoother and are generally a good practice.

Report the Accident:
Report all accidents.  Even if no one appears injured, it is good to fill out and incident report or contact your insurance carrier about the accident.  This will protect you if you later find that you have property damage that went unnoticed or if you find that you’re injured from the incident.  It is always easier to turn down assistance, then to request it for an incident that was not reported.

Get a Medical Examination:
After a traumatic event, our bodies go into shock.  You may feel like it is nothing serious after the accident, only to find out later that you’re dealing with serious injuries.  

Therefore, even if it does not feel that serious right after the accident, get examined by a medical provider.  If it is nothing serious, you’re out a just a little time of a day.  If it is a condition that will require treatment, the insurance is more likely to accept a condition that is discussed soon after the accident.

The Insurance Company is not your friend:
It should come as no surprise to anyone that insurance companies are for profit businesses.  The huge profits made by insurance companies, are not made by paying premiums.  Profits are made by denying or minimizing claims.

Like any other business, there are good and bad people that work for insurance companies.  However, when dealing with an insurance claim, make sure that you provide only accurate information.  Do not state facts that you are not sure of or that you don’t remember.  They will record and use any inconsistencies against you.  Good legal representation will help to these problems.  Get legal advice early in your claim to avoid serious problems with your claim.

Most people prefer to have never been involved in an accident that caused injuries.  However, life happens.  When it does, follow the above steps to make your path to recovery as easy as possible.