Will My Social Security Disability Application Be Denied?
Most applications for social security disability get denied. Statistics indicate that benefits get denied about 65% of the time.
What do you do when your application gets denied? Well, don’t make the mistake of starting over and filing a new application. Most of the time that’s the wrong thing to do, and it doesn’t increase your odds of getting approved. In most states, including Texas, the next step is to file a Request For Reconsideration. This is an appeal of the first denial.
A Request For Reconsideration only gets approved about 13% of the time. So we’ve gone from a 65% denial rate up to an 87% denial rate. That’s not good. That tells you how hard it is to get disability benefits.
The next appeal is a request for a hearing before a judge. This is where things turn in your favor. At the hearing level, almost 62% of the cases are APPROVED!
Patience pays off in the social security disability process. If you have medical evidence showing that you have a severe mental or physical condition that keeps you from being able to work at all, then you have a decent shot at winning your case in front of a judge.